Mohd Azrin Mohd Said

Mohd Azrin Mohd Said

Since 07 October 2020


Ts. Mohd Azrin received his BEng (Hons) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in 2009. He received his M.Sc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2012. He now is a Professional Technologist (P. Tech) in Manufacturing and Industrial Technology from Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT), He also a Graduate Engineer of Board of Engineers Malaysia (65600A), Graduate Engineer of The Institution of Engineer Malaysia (60637) and Full Member of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia (HFEM). His research interest is human factors engineering, ergonomics, safety and health, manufacturing system engineering and industrial engineering. He also manage to file 1 copyright in 2020 (C2020(02)LY2020000572) on Smart Device for Factory Safety. He also won Gold Medal in InTEX 2019, Silver medal in InTEX 2018, and Bronze medal in InTEX 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. He also active in research and consultation with other members in various engineering activities and also in student activities which holding as an Advisor for student Chapter for IEM in Faculty.


human factors engineering, ergonomics, safety and health, manufacturing system engineering and industrial engineering.


University Malaysia Sarawak
Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia 2005-2009
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Serdang Selangor 2010-2012

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